For more than 20 years as a Pennsylvania State Trooper, President and Founder of Character: Be About It (CBAI), Matt Harris, went into hundreds of homes to witness first hand, children who are scarred.
He worked with juveniles arrested for a variety of offenses; theft, burglary, assault and armed robbery.
He was troubled that these negative incidents seemed commonplace, even acceptable behavior for our youth.
Twenty years of service and direct involvement with youth in distress inspired Trooper Harris to start All About Character, Inc. in Erie, PA.
Trooper Harris was troubled by the rise in negative incidents and questionable behavior among our youth.
There is an epidemic of antisocial behavior.
Shocked by the statistics that were confirmed by his real life experience, Harris decided to analyze why there seemed to be an epidemic of antisocial behavior, regardless of demographics, evidenced by rising drop out rates, drug abuse, arrests, and incarceration.
Where is the moral compass?
Why do these youth seem to lack essential traits such as kindness, integrity, self-regulation, and hope? Character development is equally important to reading, writing and arithmetic. Research shows that positive character traits increase the overall learning success.
Youth lack a nurturing support system.
There appeared to be a correlation between the breakdown of the family structure and the absence of character development. Some families, fractured and dysfunctional for several generations, didn’t even know the significance of character, much less how to instill these qualities in their children.
Schools have a role in student outcomes.
Although educational institutions are the ideal environment to teach character traits, they are overcrowded and underfunded, required to focus on academics and achieving standard test results.